شعار جامعة ابن النفيس

Three-dimensional Localization of Impacted Maxillary Canine and Assessment of Adjacent Root Resorption Incidence using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography


Alkyssi Hana’a A, Al-Mogahed Naela M, Alnajjar Latifa A, Alharazi Ghamdan A, Aldhorae Khaled A, Altawili Zainab M, Dahan Faez N

International Journal of Current Research and Review


Introduction: The most common complication related to canine impaction is root resorption. Aims: To investigate the relationship of selective linear measurements of maxillary impacted canine to the incidence of adjacent root resorption by using CBCT scans records. Methodology: The linear measurements selected were: impacted canine crown width, available space for canine eruption, distance from canine cusp tip to the midline and occlusal plane, and resorption grade. Mann Whitney U test was used to compare non-parametric variables, with a significance threshold set at 5%. The correlation coefficient at 95% CI was used to investigate the relationship between resorption and variables. Result: Our sample comprised of 100 subjects. Of them, (30%) bilateral and (70%) unilateral. Regarding impaction localization frequency, 87.6% palatally, 8.4% buccally than within arch (3.8%). The resorption was mostly located at the apical third of adjacent teeth. In term of resorption, 28.4% of subjects had single tooth resorbed, 56% had two teeth resorbed, and three teeth resorption in 12.6% of subjects. Resorption severity was higher frequent in grade I (35.4%). There was an association of resorption incidence to type of impaction = 0.173, p= 0.048, contact relationship = 0.995, p< 0.01, and location of contact = 0.613, p< 0.01. Conclusion: Correlation found between root resorption to contact relationship and location of contact. Resorption mostly encountered with lateral incisors, and grade 1 was more frequently seen, with the common area being the apical third.